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Tomb Raider Anniversary

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Manor Visual Walkthrough (Part 2)

The Croft Manor (part 2)

Tomb Raider Anniversary Game Guide and Walkthrough

Push the button to open the door. What do you know? Another room.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - Push the button to open the door

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - You found another room

Same as before, go up the stairs, and soot the glass. Take the big arrow - Sundial Gnomon.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - Take the big arrow

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - You found the Sundial Gnomon

Go downstairs. To open the locked door, simply press "use" (the E key) on the flashing red light. It should turn green. Just open the door and you're out.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - open the locked door

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - green light means it's unlocked

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - exit through the door

Continue down the hallway and exit the door, into the main living room. Next on our list is the grappling hook. It's well hidden in the garden. To get there use the door with the stairs, form the living room.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - Continue down the hallway and exit the door

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - To get there use the door with the stairs, form the living room

Go down the stairs after the door and then run on the hallway until you reach the gardens.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - run on the hallway until you reach the gardens

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - admire the roman statues

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - you need to open the garden gate

On the giant clock in the middle, use the giant arrow you found earlier. Then you'll have to rotate the main clock in the direction of a real clock slowly until the hours 11 and 2 rise up, and when you get to 6 a light shines down on it. Now the gates will open, and you're a little closer to the grappling hook!

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - On the giant clock in the middle, use the giant arrow you found earlier

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - use the Sundial Gnomon

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - the Sundial Gnomon is in place

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - rotate the main clock in the direction of a real clock slowly until the hours 11 and 2 rise up

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - the garden gate is now open

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - go into the garden

To get in the center of the garden, you'll have to negotiate the maze. Luckily you've got the map. (Told you you'd need it J)

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - get in the center of the garden

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - check the maze map

Make your way through the maze to the exact opposite side of the gate, and enter the center area.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - the exact opposite side of the gate

Take the grappling hook.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - Take the grappling hook

Use the grappling hook on the gates ("Q" key) and then pull ("E" key). To release press "Q" again.

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - Use the grappling hook on the gates

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - now the gates are open

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - you can exit through there

Do the same thing you did to the gate on the panel in front of the statue. (Grab and pull with the grappling hook)

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - use the grapple on the panel

Return to the living room. Lucky the gates are open, huh?

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Croft Mansion - Return to the living room

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