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Tomb Raider Anniversary

Mountain Caves: Relic #1

Make sure you opened the gate first. Then go to the second lock mechanism. When you do a back jump towards the metal rod, don't wait until it fully moves.

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

When it is at about 45 degrees, jump and grab the ledge nearby.

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

Since the door is now open, you can also reach a thin pole and swing across.

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

Get to the other side of the gate and grab the ledge there.

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

Use the higher pole to swing across.

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

And the Killer Whale Bottlerelic is there for you to pick.

Mountain Caves secrets, artifacts and relics

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