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Tomb Raider Anniversary

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Egypt: Temple of Khamoon Visual Walkthrough (part 8)

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon (part 8)

Tomb Raider Anniversary - Visual Walkthrough

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Climb up, lateral jump on the door, and the quickly back jump.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Lateral jump again.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

And jump to your right to grab the ledges.

Once you get up, you may want to get the supplies. You do it by shooting the target, and when the hook comes down, you use your grapple to get there and back.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Then continue on forward. Grab onto the accessible ledge.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Climb up.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Kill the mummy.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Go through the door and up the other ladder.

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

Egypt - Temple of Khamoon Walkthrough Screenshot

« Temple of Khamoon: part 7 | Temple of Khamoon: part 9 »