Polaroid Photo

Tomb Raider Anniversary

City of Vilcabamba: Artifact #1

Pull the cage outisde through the gate.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

City of Vilcabamba artifact

Position it near the large pole between the huts.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

Now use the cage to jump on the pole.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

Climb to the top and then do a jump to the ledge nearby. Kill the bats that come.

Swing across using the thin pole.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

Use the grapple to get across the other side.


City of Vilcabamba artifact

Use the ledges to get to the left side.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

One final pole and you're there.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

Enjoy the artifact #1.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

And of course enjoy the view.

City of Vilcabamba artifact

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